Some of you may know, but probably not, that I have started work full-time. This has been a great change but very different for both me and my family. I have been a stay-at-home mom for the last 10 years. I think we are adjusting well. Not so sure the blog has adjusted as well. I have relatively no time to read or write reviews. So I have been turning down opportunities that I have hated to say no to. But this week I was given the opportunity to review "The High Calling" blog for Handlebar Marketing. This blog is all about using the job that you find yourself in to live out your calling in Christ. I LOVE IT!!!! This opportunity was so timely for me. I have devoured many of the articles. They are written by various writers including Ann Voskamp, Mary E. DeMuth, Donna VanLiere, Ed Gungor and many, many others. The articles are encouraging and informative. From their About page:
Welcome to, an online magazine and community founded on the belief that God cares about our daily work. On our site, you’ll discover a broad range of articles, interviews, devotionals, and inspirational stories—all specifically created to help you find God in your work, family, and the broader culture. Our writers and bloggers tell engaging stories crafted to encourage you in the high calling of your daily work.
Honoring God in our daily work is much more than mere evangelism. Our work itself should be a testimony to our creator. That is why we encourage each other to remember the high calling of our daily work.
The High Calling is also a safe place to ask difficult questions about work, leadership, culture, family, and faith. Our community of Christ followers shares differing opinions about matters of faith and doubt. We believe in the power of open dialog, and aim to be a safe place to raise difficult issues. We simply ask that each person be respectful of others, rooted and grounded in love.
The High Calling in more than a blog, it is a community of people encouraging each other to live up to the potential God has placed in each of us.They also have a Facebook page where they post inspirational photos like this:
I hope you will go and get a dose of encouragement to make it through the work week. I know I will be a regular!
I received compensation for my review from Handlebar Marketing. I did not agree to post a favorable review. The opinions expressed are my own.