Monday, August 16, 2010

Dirty Feet

Psalm 119:105- For thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

In the summer, we slip on our flip-flops and head out on whatever task is before us. We flop to the mailbox, around Wal-Mart, to pick a tomato in the garden, etc.. Very seldom, if ever, do we think to stop and see how dirty our feet have gotten throughout the day. Often it is when I step into the shower and notice the footprint left behind that I realize how dirty my feet actually were. All that built up dirt and grime begins to melt away by the persuasion of soap and hot water.

This scenario reminds me of a time when Jesus washed His disciples feet (John 13). Peter wanted no part of it until Jesus told him that he couldn't be His without the washing. Peter then changed his tune, not only was he willing to have his feet washed but his WHOLE body. Jesus answered him by saying, " A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean."

See Jesus knew that walking in this world would get His followers dirty from time to time. We would get off the paved path into some stinky situations. Our pride would trip us or jealousy, or gossip. The list of foul-smelling dirt goes on and on, but that doesn't mean that our original washing of salvation needs to be redone. We only need out feet washed by Jesus!

How exactly does He wash our feet? By His word- His word is a "lamp unto our feet." He shines His light on the "dirt" or sin we have stepped into so that we may see how dirty we have gotten, repent and be washed clean again. His word will then be that "light unto my path." We will see, by His word, the way to the paved path again, and how, by His light, to avoid getting off the path and back in the dirt. So, let's get into the word of God so that we can see the dirt on out feet, get them cleaned up, and get back on the clean path of righteousness!

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