I was super excited to hear that
Steven Furtick was about to release a new book. {I am addicted to the Elevation podcast!!} So with high expectations, I read this most recent release, Greater. I must say, I was not disappointed!!! It was inspiring, convicting, fun, deep, and full of Jesus much like most of the content that Pastor Steven puts out.
The premise of the message is to seek great-er lives. Not to be confused with seeking greatness, or settling for good enough. Greater is "The life-altering understanding that God is ready to accomplish a greatness in your life that is entirely out of human reach. It's beyond anything you see in yourself on your best day, but exactly what God has seen in you all along." Pastor Steven
preaches tells the stories of the events in the life of Elisha, the prophet of God, to explain how to pursue this "Greater" vision of our life. Through Elisha's ups and downs Pastor Steven chronicles how that we too can see God do great things all around and through us.
As I said, I was greatly inspired and convicted by this book. I think every person who claims Christ publicly should read it and be challenged to live above the line of mediocrity, but not in a worldly get all the money and fame you can way. More like a get all the Jesus and Spirit you can! I believe more people would be won to Christ if more of His followers lived "Greater" lives.
Here's a sneak peek at the book:
I received this book for free from
WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing
Group for this review.