Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Help Wanted: Moms Raising Daughters

I have finally finished another book! It is so much harder to find the time to read while the kids are home for the summer! We have had a great time these past few months playing in the pool and just hanging out. I can't believe it is almost time for school to start back. Like my Ems says, "I'm not ready!" It is also time for another blog giveaway, so stay tuned, over the next couple of days I'll be telling you how to enter. You won't want to miss this one! On to the book review....

Help Wanted: Moms Raising Daughters is a manual of sorts for the mother who finds herself at a loss raising daughters. It is full of helpful advice and instructions to navigate many areas of rearing those precious girls God has blessed you with. As the mother of a girl and a boy, I found that many of the lessons are applicable to both daughters and sons. This wasn't a "quick read" by any means. The author, Darlene Brock, has packed a boat load of information in the 215 pages of this book. 

Each chapter covers a topic that you are sure to face as a mother. She sets them up as job descriptions and describes in detail the qualities a mom must posses as she tries to fill each role. The topics include:
  • Coach
  • Creative Counselor
  • Time Manager
  • Media Director
  • Academic Advocate
  • Professor of Gender Studies
  • Relationship Counselor
  • Sex Ed Teacher
  • Financial Consultant
  • Bodyguard
  • Communications Specialist
  • In-Home Demonstrator
  • Military Strategist
Mrs. Brock doesn't take a light view of the role of mother and encourages you to take it seriously too. I think this quote is a good summary:
So, as mothers, why should we work so hard in this unrelenting battle? Why should we look for the enemies and create a strategy? Because the result is ultimately important. You are helping to shape a human life-your daughter's. It is not the book we write, the car we help manufacture,the store we run,the letter we type,nor the house we clean that will truly affect the generations that follow.It is the daughters we bring into this world and help to mold. They are our treasures, and they will be this world's treasure as well. Your parenting has a profound effect on your daughter's life.

I highly recommend this book as a help for raising daughters (and sons as well.) I will be holding on to my copy as a source of encouragement to fight the good fight for my daughter and as a reminder of what that fight entails.

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